Dr Katherine Tassioulas
Dr Katherine Tassioulas has an extensive background in health and wellbeing, both nationally and internationally. Being a qualified Psychotherapist, Medical and Clinical Hypnotherapists with over 30 years experience working with private and corporate clients, Katherine brings great insight into health and wellbeing in our modern age.
Dr Thomas Tassioulas
Dr Thomas Tassioulas has an extensive background in health and wellbeing, both nationally and internationally. Being a qualified Psychotherapist, Medical and Clinical Hypnotherapists with over 30 years experience working with private and corporate clients, Thomas brings great insight into health and wellbeing in our modern age.
Dr Deborah Pike
Dr Deborah Pike has an extensive background in Chinese Medicine and Naturopathy, which she takes into her busy daily life as a Corporate Consultant. Deborah understands the need to maintain health and wellbeing at all levels of your life and is a major contributor to HeathyMe Digital.
Caroline Mills
A Change & Transformation Professional and also the Managing Director of Allegra Consulting. I am passionate about working with organisations, teams and inviduals to help them achieve their potential especially in times of great change! An animal lover, avid All Blacks fan and someone who thinks we live in the most exciting times on this crazy planet of ours!
Linda Robinson
Linda is an Organisational Development Manager who is passionate about helping others to reach their potential and as a qualified coach I have developed a reputation for delivering results for individuals, teams and organisations.
Tracey Penington
Tracey is a Transformation Specialist, Futurist and Entrepreneur but has spent most of her career developing solutions for the private and public sector. Her clients have included major banks, financial institutions, government agencies and many other industries.