20th April 2021
by Gordan Stokes

Initiating a wellbeing conversation

1. Plan the meeting/conversation

  • What have you noticed about your colleague/team member/friend/family member?
  • Have their relationships changed?
  • Has their work performance changed?
  • What about their attitude and behaviours?
  • How is their general health?
  • Are you the best person to be having the conversation with them?

2. Consider the meeting outcomes

  • Do you want to understand what is affecting your colleague/team member/friend/family member?
  • Do you want to work together to resolve it?
  • Do you want to help your colleague/team member/friend/family member address the issues and increase their wellbeing?
  • Do you want to alert them to the help and support available?

3. Setting up the meeting

  • Consider the best time and place to have the conversation.
  • Will it be a virtual or face-to-face conversation?
  • How might they react? A good technique is to put yourself in their shoes and consider how they might be thinking and feeling. Read this article to learn how we can learn to become more empathetic.

4. Initiating the conversation

Ideas of phrases you could use when initiating the conversation to clarify the purpose:

  • Let’s have a check-in.
  • I thought it might be helpful for you and I to have a wellbeing conversation about how you are feeling at the moment.
  • How are you feeling at the moment? I’ve noticed you don’t seem yourself.

During the Conversation

  • During the conversation, practise active listening.
  • Be aware of your body language.
  • Remember, you might be unable to fix the situation, however you can listen and provide support to your colleague/team member/friend/family member.
  • Focus on the necessary changes that the individual can make in their daily work, personally or professionally.
  • Make a clear plan of action with employees to enable them to take back control by reassessing current due dates and task responsibilities.

After the Conversation

  • Schedule another time to follow up.
  • Continue to check in with them regularly.
  • Refer to appropriate support and resources (where applicable), such as making an appointment to see their doctor or healthcare practitioner to discuss their wellbeing.
  • Continue to encourage them to prioritise self-care. Check out these self-care activity ideas and the self-care plan template.
  • If appropriate, encourage the employee to take leave.

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